Frugal Living

Dyah Ayu Sekar Arumsari
1 min readJun 6, 2020

I’ve learned about saving lately and found article about frugal living. I think its unique and i want to write about this.

Frugal living or “Hidup hemat” means being conscious of your spending and focusing on a few financial priorities. Living frugally is about being smart with your money.

There are a number of benefits to frugal living, some examples are:

  1. Improve mental health. If we can stop worrying about how our life compares to other, we’ll feel much less stress.
  2. More money for saving and investing. It’s a really simple concept: the less of your money that you spend, the more of it you get to keep.
  3. More financial creativity. There’s no doubt that frugal living requires some financial creativity. Between couponing, using cashback apps, and choosing to DIY instead of buy, frugality takes creativity.

Some frugal living tips:

  1. Think long-term when making purchases.
  2. Put money into savings/investment accounts before spending on other things.
  3. Use everything until you can’t any longer.
  4. Cook for yourself. Eating out is expensive! This is so hard, i feel it.
  5. Stay at home and enjoy “Korean Drama” instead of taking expensive vacations.
  6. Stop smoking.



Dyah Ayu Sekar Arumsari

Correct me when I am wrong. I am always willing to learn and grow.